HARP International GmbH
Mergenthalerallee 79-81
65760 Eschborn
T: +49 (0) 6196 5248 660Email: info@harp-international.com
Sales tax identification number according to §27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE308515684.
Responsible for the content and operators of the internet presence in accordance with §5
HARP International GmbH, Managing Directors: Pan Feng, Udo Reimann
Responsible for the journalistic-editorial content in accordance with § 55 2 RstV:
Legal Information: The information and contents on our web site occur solely for promotional purposes and are not binding. We accept no liability for the accuracy of the information and content on our website. In particular, we take no responsibility whether or not the information corresponds with the purpose desired by the users. This differs only if we have expressly agreed something different with the user or if we want to be seen to vouch for the accuracy of the information or content. Furthermore, HARP International GmbH reserves the right to change or supplement the information provided. All rights in the design and contents of this website shall remain with us and are subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights. The publication on the World Wide Web or other Internet services does not provide consent for any other use by third parties. Copying and downloading the website or parts is not permitted, provided we do not require this of you (i.e. to download specific forms or information). In any case, the reproduction or use for commercial purposes is prohibited, unless we have expressly agreed to the reproduction or use in writing or by e-mail. We use cookies and other relevant forms of local storage and will not use the data for any purpose.
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